When he hits top gear, Usain Bolt can cover 11 meters … in 1 second.
Amazing. Now, I wonder how far you could get, if you took just one second to reconsider your decision not to accept a free copy of my book: ‘Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing’.
If making money is on your mind then I promise you that you will get there faster using the information contained in this book.
So click on the button below now, claim your book and let me show you the exact method I’ve used to bank over $16,000,000. I’m passing you the ‘baton’, grab it and run like the wind …. 🙂
Only 300 FREE 'TESTIMONIAL' COPIES of my book currently available...

Before I go ahead and release a free* copy of my book to you, I need to know that you’re really hungry to make at least ‘100 grand’ a year ...
* Two tiny 'catches' apply
PS: I’m also sending you a packet of Hot Chocolate with your book
(with my compliments … AND my apologies in advance).
Hi, it's Nick James here (... sorry, I didn't get a proper chance to introduce myself before!).
So, this is good news.
Unlike Baz you reached out for a copy of my book when I offered it you.
That’s a good start.
Now, before I pop your book in the mail I just need to know that you are really hungry to make the ‘6 figures a year’ that my book is going to show you how to make.
You see, right now I only have 300 ‘testimonial’ copies of the book to give away so as you can imagine I want to make sure that they get into the right hands and I don’t want to waste a single one of them.
Which is where my first ‘tiny’ catch come in …
Tiny ‘catch’ #1:
When you hit your first $100,000… you mustn’t keep it a secret. Deal?
Look, I’ve followed the exact same instructions I’m giving you in my book every year for the last 16 years and for 16 years in a row I’ve brought in 6 figures.
So, ALL you have to do is follow the step by step instructions in the book and the 6 figures is as good as yours.
When that happens you have to agree to write a testimonial stating very clearly how much money you banked AND that it was the step by step instructions in my book that got you there.
AND you have to agree to send me a photo of you holding a copy of the ‘6 Figures A Year In Info Publishing’ book.
And you have to agree to me using your testimonial and that photo some future publicity.
So if you are the type of person that would continue going to work and drive around in the same car if you ever won the lottery, just so that people around you didn’t know about your good fortune – please DON’T request a free copy of my book.
KINDLY NOTE: This is a condition of accepting the book – when you click the button below you are by default agreeing to these conditions.
Listen, seeing as you’re about to become a fellow ‘info publisher’ I’m going to take you behind the scenes and quickly explain the reason why I’m prepared to give a book away – as long as it’s to the right person – rather than pocketing a quick 20 bucks, $14 dollars of which would be pure profit after all expenses.
My book is hot off the press, you already know that.
So pretty much the only people to read it so far are my wife and my mum.
Now, whilst you’ll be pleased to know that they both loved it … you’ll also no doubt be completely unimpressed with that as a ‘testimonial’, right?
But let’s face it when you see testimonials for most books aren’t most of them the ‘I loved it’ or ‘he’s a great guy’ type of thing.
Which let’s be honest, probably doesn’t help sell even one extra copy of a book!
However, the fact is ...
Even just one “I made money!” type of testimonial can double sales.
A dozen “I made money!” type of testimonials can quadruple sales.
But 100 “I made money!” type of testimonials could generate hundreds of thousands or who knows … even a million sales of my book.
I’m thinking New York Times best seller list type of sales here!
You can see that how that works, can’t you?
Which is why …
Right now I don’t need readers. I need LEADERS.
I know that lots of people like to follow the pack.
Many, if not most people, don’t like to be the first to give something ago, it’s too risky for them.
Whether its new cars, restaurants, movies or you name it, until it’s been tried and tested by someone else they’ll happily sit quietly on the side lines waiting to see what happens.
Even the thought of putting a measly 20 bucks on the table for a book that could transform their lives is too much of a risk for them to consider, without proof that it’s already worked for some girl or guy from Arkansas that 'looks' just like them.
Crazy, I know.
Of course, eventually 95% (or more) of my book sales will come from ‘the followers’.
That’s just the way the world works.
But today I’m looking for ‘the leaders’. Those select few that are excited to blaze a trail and get ahead of the pack.
And if that’s you, your reward for being ‘a leader’ is a free copy of my book and first bite of a very juicy cherry – which is the opportunity to get started TODAY on making 6 figures a year as an info publisher rather than watching from the sidelines like everyone else.
So, that’s why I’m putting these couple of tiny 'catches' in place.
Think of these ‘catches’ as ‘hurdles’ designed to trip up ‘the followers’ and make sure that these first 300 book get into the hands of ‘the leaders’.
If you leapt over the first ‘hurdle’ then there’s just one more to go and the book is all yours.
Here it is …
Tiny ‘catch’ #2:
My new book '6 Figures A Year In Info Publishing' is yours for free ... but you’ve gotta buy Samantha donuts
Look, I’m happy to forgo the $4,500 profit I should be making on these 300 books.
I’m even happy to swallow the cost of printing your book.
But to get the book to you does cost a few bucks – there’s the postage and the packaging and the delightful young lady that does all of that and makes the trip to the post office, she needs paying too.
Apparently Samantha quite likes eating and she apparently has other bills to pay – she seems to go somewhere between the hours of 5 pm and 9 am so I'm guessing she must have a home to go to and rent to pay!
Anyway my eagle eyed accountant ran his eye over things and he reckons that the hard cost of getting a book out of the door comes to a few cents short of 7 bucks.
Cover that cost and your book is in the mail to you tonight.
So, just click on the button below and Samantha will take care of that for you ...

Samantha is watching for your free book request right now.
The minute you say ‘yes’ - simply by ticking the box below - she will take a book from the box, pop it in a padded envelope, put your name and address on it and make sure it gets to the postal office for the very next collection.
Like I said, right now I have just 300 books left to kick off my 'word of mouth marketing campaign'.
(I originally had 500 copies but I gave 200 hundred away to my members right off bat.)
And I don’t know how many copies will be left by the time you are reading this.
But when you tick the box you will be notified if you are too late.
So, tick the box now and let’s find out.
You’ll be billed just $6.95 to contribute towards packaging, handling and postage to ANYWHERE in the world.
And when your book arrives you will also find a packet of Hot Chocolate included in your package.
Because like I said earlier, I think I’m going to owe you ‘… an apology in advance’.
You see, I have to warn you that you are pretty much guaranteed a sleepless night the day you receive your book, as the realisation over how realistic six figures a year actually is dawns on you!
Which is quite surreal really because the whole reason I wrote ‘Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing’ is so that you never have to lose sleep over making money ever again!
The hot chocolate is my way of saying ‘sorry’ and hopefully getting you off to sleep that night so that you are ready to get started on step 1 of the plan the very next day.
The bottom line: reading this book is exactly like sitting down and spending an evening with me whilst I walk you through my simple to follow money making method.
So if you’d jump at the chance of sitting down with me for an evening if that was practically possible, then getting your hands on this book should make complete sense to you and you’ll click the button right now …
I wish you all of the success that I’ve enjoyed, with your own info publishing business.
Best wishes,
Nick James
PS This is a ‘one second gap’, let me explain …
Wherever you are in your life right now is because of dozens of ‘one second gaps’ in your life.
These ‘one second gaps’ are all of the times in your life when you made a split second decision about what to do next. And because of that split second decision your life went off in a whole new direction.
When you look back on your life you’ll see these ‘one second gaps’ everywhere – these tiny and seemingly unremarkable moments when you make a decision about something simple like whether to ‘go left’ or ‘go right’ (… ‘go left’ and you bump into an old friend you haven’t seen since school and 6 month later you’re getting married … ‘go right’ and you trip on an uneven paving stone and spend the next 2 weeks in hospital with a broken ankle!)
Mmmmm, a bit dramatic I know. (Or is it?)
Anyhow, like I said, this is one of those ‘one second gaps’ … you either click on the yellow button and grab your free copy of ‘Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing’ … or you, well … you do something else.
A crystal ball would be useful right now, wouldn’t it?
But we don’t have one of those, so you’re just going to have to make your choice in the next second or so.
All I can say is when the ‘one second gap’ presented itself to me and I was offered some free information that enabled me to get into the info publishing business, I took it and I have NEVER looked back.
It’s over to you …
FAIR WARNING: There are only 300 free ‘testimonial’ copies of the book available … and you were first in line when you arrived on this page – but in fairness to others who may want to take advantage of this opportunity, you go to the back of the queue if you exit this page.
UPDATE: Supplies of this original print run of ‘Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing' are running out fast. I am in the process of reordering an additional short run but to get prices low enough so that I can still afford to gift them. I am unable to use a print-on-demand service and delivery will not be for 2–3 weeks. So, grab one of these instant delivery copies whilst they are still available!
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